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Saturday, June 25, 2022

Q&A on 1972

In response to recent changes in the look and feel of the site...

Q: Did someone complain about the old design with the blue and white?

A: No. I did this in response to ridiculous bullshit going on in my country. We've rolled back to 1972 in terms of basic human decency, and I'm not happy about it. Obviously. So I've forced the design back to a terrible place as well.

Q: Why not go whole-hog and make it look like a real terminal with phosphor effects and run it at 75 baud?

A: This is not a fucking game. I am not celebrating 1972.

Q: Can you fix the colors so I can read things?

A: No. I want you to feel the pain here. It's small and stupid but it's where I am right now. I'm one person with a keyboard. What do you want me to do? Just pretend everything is okay? Everything is NOT OKAY.

Q: Is this all you're going to do?

A: Probably not. I see no reason to continue helping people who would treat others as a piece of meat, or worse.

Q: What does that mean?

A: I don't know yet. Wait and see.