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Monday, February 25, 2013

My book is on the NOOK!

NOOK owners, I have a short commercial announcement for you.The Bozo Loop is now available online at Barnes & Noble!I figured out how to set up publishing with them and they put it online late last night. Now you have an alternative if buying it at Amazonwon't work for whatever reason.

My thanks to Abe for giving me the push needed to figure this out.

[2023 update: I ended up taking this down. B&N is a pretty awful way to publish things, and they sent me a shocking amount of unwanted mail after signing up for their author program. I had to hit them with the CA "forget you ever heard about me and my personal info" hammer before they would stop.

If you still want a copy, try Amazon, or if you need an .epub version, hit the contact link and let me know.]