Echo reply (an incomplete update on things)
For the record, I'm still here. I'm still pissed off at the state of affairs in my country, and I'm still taking my usual summer break, so there's been no writing.
I appreciate that several people have checked in, naturally.
As for the anonymous rando that said something about me going back to a certain broken pink mustache factory, well, shit, that's funny.
No, that's not happening. I haven't talked to anyone from there (other than friends who are still there, naturally) in months. Nobody's ever reached out about "coming back". I have no desire to go back. That's the stuff of nightmares, like you're back in high school and can't find the exit door. *shudder*
Besides, they couldn't afford me, anyway.
As for my eventual return to regular writing, I'm not so sure I want to just put things online and open to everyone any more. For one thing, fueling the idiot mixer that is HN and usually reddit is not one of my goals in life. I'd rather put up some kind of wall ... or something ... and make it so that casual haters can't just come in and read stuff.
I'm not talking about what happens when you click through to from a HN referrer, but I certainly understand *why* that's there.
I'd rather continue reaching the good people in the world to provide stories, entertainment and technical data while starving out the Friday night crew that has nothing better to do than unload on the Internet.
For some people, this has meant "Patreon". I'm not sure I want to do it that way, but something's got to give here. I'm done being a free resource for those who would serve to make life miserable for half of humanity.